
Three Industry Segments to Accelerate Transformation into a Solution Business

Industry Segment Topics 

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Swiss address: Yokogawa Europe Branches B.V., Amersfoort - Swiss Branch Allschwil - c/o Switzerland Innovation Park Basel Area - Hegenheimermattweg 167A - 4123 Allschwil - Schweiz - Telefon: +41 61 461 6978 - E-Mail: Stefan.Lugert@ch.yokogawa.com


Pour des informations sur Yokogawa en français, veuillez visiter le site de Yokogawa France.


Per informazioni su Yokogawa in italiano, visitare il sito web di Yokogawa Italia.

Im Spotlight

Video: Der Weg zur Smart Factory

Der Sushi Sensor trägt zur Verwirklichung der intelligenten Fabrik bei! Er ist eine drahtlose Lösung für das industrielle IoT mit Sensoren für Vibration, Temperatur und Druck. Jetzt Video anschauen!

Yokogawa in der Schweiz

Schweiz. Suisse. Svizzera. Svizra. Seit 2008 ist Yokogawa mit einer eigenen Niederlassung in der Schweiz aktiv. Erfahren Sie mehr!

Aktuelle News

Past Events

  • Konferenz Okt. 18 - 19 2023

    Drug Discovery 2023

    Are you eager to delve into the cutting-edge world of drug discovery? Explore groundbreaking technologies shaping the future of life sciences? Look no further than the Yokogawa Life Science booth at the ELRIG Drug Discovery Event, taking place at ACC Liverpool on October 18th and 19th!

  • Event Sep. 26 - 28 2023
    Messe Basel

    Ilmac 2023 Messe Basel

    Inspiring the Future of Chemistry and Life Sciences.
    Ilmac highlights such as the science-driven Conference, the Start-up Area, the Pharma Logistics Days or special shows in the area of skills shortage (Job Connect) and the Laboratory of the Future & Green Lab present important industry topics in Basel in a focused way.

  • Messe Mai 23 - 25 2023
    Messe Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany

    The Battery Show Europe

    The Battery Show Europe & Hybrid Vehicle Technology Expo conference delivers insight into key business and technical challenges, tackling relevant issues like next-generation battery development that can reduce manufacturing costs and OEM technology strategies for battery design.

  • Messe Mai 9 - 11 2023
    Deutsche Messe AG, Messegelände, 30521 Hannover


    As the European trade fair for innovative laboratory equipment and the optimization of laboratory workflows, LABVOLUTION presents an incomparable variety of topics. The focus of LABVOLUTION is particularly on the topics of digitalization, artificial intelligence, and sustainability. In addition to the interdisciplinary exhibition area, the concept of LABVOLUTION convinces with attractive formats for knowledge transfer, exchange of experience, and networking.
