Yokogawa provides proven and highly reliable data acquisition and control solutions for commercial nuclear power industry. Partnered with National Technical Systems (NTS), Yokogawa offers qualified (safety related) and commercial (non-safety related) instrumentation for nuclear power facilities. Additionally, Yokogawa offers integrated systems for monitoring, control, recording, and nuclear test applications. Thanks to their high reliability and availability, Yokogawa products and services are used in nuclear facilities all over the world.
About NTS
Located in Huntsville, AL, NTS offers nuclear utilities and suppliers worldwide superior customer service in the provision of a full range of engineered services. Testing, equipment qualification, commercial grade dedication, engineering, component supply and field services are provided under our NUPIC and NIAC audited 10CFR50 Appendix B, and NQA-1 quality program.
Additionally, NTS provides assistance in filling Yokogawa’s needs for technical personnel. As an engineering company with expertise in nuclear and conventional power plant operation and construction, the requirements for engineers, managers and technicians are well understood. Our proprietary database of candidates covers a wide range of disciplines including, but not limited to, electrical, mechanical, civil/structural, design, safety and radiation protection.
Customer Challenge
With aging nuclear power plants, nuclear utility operators are facing obsolete and outdated instrumentation and control equipment. Furthermore, aging nuclear power plants that receive operating license extension must upgrade existing analog instrumentation and control to digital instrumentation and control. Needless to say, nuclear utility operators are looking for cost effective instrumentation solutions to ensure the plants are safe and secure. As a result, migration to digital instrumentation and control open up new possibilities to support operation and maintenance activities in the plant.
Enabling Technologies

Data Acquisition
Nuclear customers world-wide count on the renowned reliability of the DAQSTATION. Industry-accepted and used for control room and other plant applications, there are models and options to fit every need, including the narrow case DX364, removable-chassis DX1000N, wide-body DX3000, standard DX1000/DX2000. Standard features on all models include universal analog inputs, high capacity data storage, and Ethernet communications.

Process Controllers
Offering extreme reliability and sophisticated control functions, the Yokogawa YS1700 and UT35A controllers are the ideal choice for many control room and main plant control applications.
Both models have bright, easy-to-read displays, multiple analog inputs, and powerful control functions. For qualified control room applications, choose the YS1700 with its dual CPUs for maximum reliability and hard-manual control for added protection. The YS1700's powerful function block programming method and setting tools allow it to control water chemistry, temperature, pressure and many other demanding plant processes.
The UT35A can be specified for many commercial applications where reliable, economical control is required in a compact ¼ DIN package. Applications include HVAC, temperature, level, sequence control and more. The included PID control and ladder logic functions use proprietary Yokogawa fuzzy logic technology to achieve highly accurate control.
An optional Ethernet interface with Modbus TCP protocol allows both controller models to readily interface with plant information systems and other control and data acquisition equipment. Controller programming can also be achieved using the Yokogawa Parameter Setting software.

Integrated Solutions
Yokogawa can design and build custom monitoring and control systems for many plant applications. Our capabilities include custom software development, custom adapter plates, equipment panels and enclosures, engineering and assembly drawings and qualification and acceptance testing. Recent projects include complete, turn-key diesel generator monitoring systems that retro-fit antiquated systems, providing a level of performance and insight into diesel generator operation previously unattainable.
Our manufacturing and engineering department in Newnan, GA operates in a ISO9001 quality facility, and utilizes the latest CAD design tools. In-house capabilities include a machine shop, surface mount printed circuit board fabrication and assembly team to handle any size project.
This customized system allows you to monitor:
Yokogawa diesel generator systems provide:
Yokogawa services:
Kind of. Calibration itself will not extend the life of a sensor, however, a sensor that is not calibrated properly can cause unreliable measurements - that are often misdiagnosed leading to unnecessary replacements.
Optimizing the maintenance cycle is not always straightforward. In some cases, cleaning once a week is sufficient and other processes may require every 8 hours.
Learning these four lessons will help you improve your engineering skills and most importantly extend the life of your pH sensors.
Select the correct pH glass and reference type to improve your pH sensor lifetime and you can limit or even eliminate the effects of temperature and pressure on especially the reference sensor.
The lifetime of a pH sensor has a significant impact on the overall annual costs of a pH measuring loop. Optimizing four key factors will decrease these costs and optimize process control and overall plant efficiency.
Yokogawa discusses a unique yet misunderstood technology, online elemental analysis with nuclear instruments.
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