Scenario Ambassadors are the core members of the Future Co-creation Initiative launched by Yokogawa in April 2021. The Scenario Ambassadors comprise 24 millennials in their late 20s through early 40s, specially selected from each department to embody Yokogawa’s Purpose: “Utilizing our ability to measure and connect, we fulfill our responsibilities for the future of our planet.”
This initiative is a virtual, cross-organizational team that reports directly to the CEO. Its main goal is to develop future-oriented, next-generation leaders possessing adaptability, a panoramic perspective, and co-creative skills. Future scenarios developed by the team function as a tool to build trust with all stakeholders and initiate dialogue on creating shared long-term value, proactively promoting activities which transcend organizational and industry boundaries.
Project Leader of the Future Co-creation Initiative
Nobuyuki Tamaki
Systems Consulting, Business Transformation
Kouhei Kiyotake
Corporate R&D, Business Development
Akio Nakabayashi
International Sales
Yuki Furuya
Business Strategy
Takaaki Kobayashi
International Sales
Yayoi Tomono
Marketing Strategy
Akihiko Itou
Corporate R&D
Jun Katsuyama
Customer Service
Motohiro Noda
Business Development
Hirofumi Sakashita
Business Strategy
Tooru Hayakawa
Human Resources
Fumiko Sasaki
Business Strategy
Yousuke Kawashima
Product Development, Corporate Communication
Chinatsu Takahata
Business Strategy
Tomomi Shimamura
Product Development
Kazunori Kajimoto
Marketing Strategy
Sachiko Niki
Business Development
Takashi Katsuno
Future Co-creation Initiative Menu
Top page of Yokogawa’s “Future Co-creation Initiative”
Our collaborators discuss the value and meaning of “Future Co-creation Initiative” from various perspectives.
About us
Introduction of our next-generation leadership development and a co-creation network beyond the scope of business.
Our Passion
Background and aspirations behind launching co-creative activities in an age without clear answers.
Future Scenarios
Future scenarios generated by young leaders of the future through scenario planning and co-creative dialogue.
Scenario Ambassadors
Introduction of Scenario Ambassadors—representatives selected from each Yokogawa department enjoying growth and learning.
Collaborator Networks
Fostering “weak ties” among our supporters, partners and individual companies, while building an industry-government-academia network.
Sponsor Article
Article published by WIRED, the US-based tech culture magazine.
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