Yokogawa is an independent company which specialized in Functional Safety solutions in industry and has developed their Safety Excellence services over the last decades, starting from their acquisition in 1997 of GTI Industrial Safety Services delivering safety-related protection systems from the 1960s.
Challenges for Customers
After several decades of operating a plant, the operators are facing various age related problems like: inaccurate sensors, blocked impulse lines, spurious shutdowns (loss of air/electricity), seized valves, failed actuators, improper testing, system is not looped, is bypassed, tested or put back correctly after maintenance.
Also reflected in a different way, employees with years of experience are exiting the workforce through layoffs and retirements. In light of the recent recession, many end-user companies have even stepped up their efficiency programs. There is a scarcity in qualified workforce. At the same time, companies are tighter on capital and expenses continue to be tightly controlled. Government regulations dictate use of best industry practices adoption from industry standards like IEC 61508 and e.g. European directives like SEVESO III. All these practical issues are part of daily life in operating a plant.

Functional Safety Excellence
YOKOGAWA has developed their Safety Excellence services over the last decades, starting from their acquisition of GTI-IA in 1997.
Achieving plant performance through high availability and ensuring safe operations are the key goals for the owner’s technical authorities. Compliancy with the IEC61508, the Essential Standard for Functional Safety and the derived Sector-Application Standards like the IEC61511 for Process Industry, can only be achieved by continually monitoring the operational performance of the process safety of the plant and its individual components.
Safety excellence starts by determining the individual safety instrumented functions (SIF) of the plant. Collecting and storing continually all relevant data of each safety function in the plant operation data system. All information gathered will be used to evaluate functional safety of the plant and it will help the owner to confirm safe operation to the authorities, over process lifetime up to and including de-commissioning
Functional Safety Performance Monitoring Services
Understanding the consequences involved with placing overrides within safety instrumented functions is a process requiring experienced personnel.
Working inadequate with maintenance overrides will result in potential dangerous situations. Implementation and control of process specific Management of Change supporting reporting, authorisation, implementation, auditing assuring SIL for SIF over process lifetime.
For this Yokogawa offers a rich and unique package to pre-asses, authorise and optimise maintenance overrides.

Answering Customer Challenges
Yokogawa offers a rich and powerful package of safety services, consultancy and tooling, supporting customers with real-time information dashboards for operational effectiveness and Safety Management.
Yokogawa has more than 19.000 employees worldwide operating in truly consolidated fashion and striving to provide Customer Centric Solutions with Leading Edge Technology. At the heart of these aspirations is the fundamental attitude and character of our organization; our five Core Values. They represent the value we attach to the unique qualities of our employees:
All our services are supported by independent Functional Safety personnel under the knowledgeable guidance of the TUV Functional Safety Experts (FS Expert). Yokogawa is one of the Industrial Automation Companies with the largest number of safety certified experts and engineers.

We offer Safety Assurance and Consultancy:
- PHA / HAZOP Facilitation
- SIL Classification Study and Chairing
- SIL Classification Support
- SRS Development Support
- SIS Onsite Audits & Training
- Functional Safety Assessments & Audits
- SIL Verification & Validation
- Overall Safety Validation
- SIF Operation & Maintenance Dashboard
Yokogawa provides a package of functional safety courses, conducted by a team of Yokogawa Functional Safety Experts, for all levels of plant personal creating awareness and understanding of functional safety and the IEC standards IEC 61508 and IEC 61511. Next to the standard program, customer specific training programs can be offered.
- Yokogawa standard safety training program includes:
- TÜV Functional Safety Technician (SIS) (certified)
- TÜV Functional Safety Engineer (SIS) (certified)
- Functional Safety for End-users
- Introduction to Safety Systems Training
Click here to view the course flyers.
The training programs can be conducted in the regional Yokogawa offices or at the customer site.
Next to the standard program, customer specific training programs can be offered.
All training programs can be conducted in the regional Yokogawa offices or at the customer site.
Events & Exhibitions
We are present at various events and exhibitions, where you can speak with our representatives for more information on our services.
Click here for a list of upcoming events.
- Safety Training Program (2.0 MB)
- Changes in IEC 61511 Ed 2 (113 KB)
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