Digital Plant Operation Intelligence (DPI) Quality Stabilization System

Why don’t we realize the “New normal” of manufacturing together with DPI?

DPI | Quality Stabilization Solution for Manufacturing Sites for Flexible Manufacturing By combining site knowledge and DATA analysis, we provide total support for innovation to "Flexible manufacturing" that can follow change. How about creating a new "normal" for manufacturing with DATA analysis software that makes use of on-site knowledge and a system that executes the obtained knowledge during manufacturing?

Case Study

New DPI case studies are now available!

Established unique problem-solving methods by analyzing cross-organization waigaya* and DPI.
* Spontaneous brainstorming discussions in which everyone, regardless of position in the organization, speaks frankly and debates with others

Product Introduction: DPI Operation Evaluation Tool, Hypothesis Verification Workshop.


Release Information

DPI R2.05 has been released! Data importing feature was enhanced to be more efficiency.

DPI R2.04 has been released! Windows 11 is supported.

DPI R2.03 has been released! New features such as Data calculation function have been added.

DPI Operation Evaluation Tool and DPI Operation Evaluation System has been newly released! (R2.02.10)


Table of Contentss

  1. 4Ms in Quality Management ― Contents and Importance ―
  2. Changes in the manufacturing environment
  3. "Flexible Manufacturing" by Combining knowledge of site with DATA Analysis
  4. What is "Combine the knowledge of site with DATA analysis"?
  5. DPI Function Details ― DATA Analysis and Smarter Manufacturing Based on Site Knowledge ―
    • DPI Operation Evaluation Tool: DATA Analysis Software for Utilizing Site Knowledge
  6. DPI Operation Evaluation System: Manufacturing execution system to incorporate the obtained knowledge into the real-time manufacturing process
  7. DPI solution escort support
    • Introduction Education Workshop: Get the basics of the DPI Operation Evaluation Tool driving and make site introductions smooth!
    • Hypothesis Verification Type WS: Learn DATA Analysis Framework with DPI Operation Evaluation Tool!
  8. Related Information


This article is written for the following people

  • Those who want to know why 4Ms is important
  • There are many changes and variations of 4Ms at the manufacturing site, which is troublesome
  • Even though I should be operating in the same way, the quality is not consistent
  • Those who would like to use DATA for on-site improvement activities (Kaizen activities) activities
  • Those who interested in the "New normall" of manufacturing


4Ms in Quality Management ― Contents and Importance ―

4Ms in Quality Management

4Ms refers to four important elements for quality control in the manufacturing industry. Material/Machine/huMan/Method. The reason why the four M's are important in quality control is described below.


  • Material (raw material)
    It is a raw material for manufacturing products. Some production sites use only one type of raw material, while others mix several types of raw materials. The amount of raw material input and the quality of the raw material lot has a great impact on the quality of the final product.
  • Machine (equipment)
    It is a device for manufacturing products. Even the same equipment seems to perform differently before and after the replacement or the periodic cleaning.Also, it is obvious that the old equipment used for many years is in a different condition than when it was new. The state of such equipment can also affect quality.
  • huMan
    It's an operator who makes products. Even if it looks like they are performing regular operation and troubleshooting in the same way, there are slight differences depending on the person. The difference is due to the knowledge and intuition based on individual site experience. And that small difference can greatly affect quality.
  • Method (procedures and methods)
    It is a work procedure and operation method for manufacturing products. Manufacturing sites have a variety of agreed work procedures and operating methods, including start-up procedures, timing of material input, temperature and pressure control ranges, and quality inspection procedures. It is very important for quality control to ensure that operations are conducted in accordance with established procedures and methods.

In recent years, measurement/inspection, management , and environment have been added to 4Ms, which is sometimes referred to as 5M, 6M, or 6M + 1E. It is also important to consider these 2Ms and 1E when analyzing a 4Ms DATA.


Changes in the manufacturing environment

Changes in the manufacturing environment


The manufacturing site is now in a very difficult situation with many changes. This is primarily due to changes in the 3M (4Ms except Method) and higher PQCDS* objectives. Have you ever encountered such a situation at your site?

*PQCDS....Productivity, Quality, Cost, Delivery,Safety in Manufacturing


4Ms changes excluding Method

  • Material (raw material): Frequent vendor changes, varying material quality from supplier, varying quality from ingredient lot
  • Machine (equipment): The device is too old to perform as it was designed. Even if it has the same specifications, it may have some peculiarities depending on the device
  • huMan: tacit knowledge in the site is not formalized, skills are lost when skilled operators retire

Sophistication of PQCDS targets

  • Productivity (productivity): Responding to sudden requests for increased production and personnel shortages
  • Quality (Quality): Strict quality requirements, unexplained quality complaints
  • Cost (Price): Intense price competition, price hikes of raw materials and fuels
  • Delivery (delivery date): Meeting demands for shorter delivery times, reforming work style, and complying with COVID-19's overtime and attendance regulations
  • Safety (safety): raising safety standards

At the manufacturing site, there is a need for both "routing work" to achieve planned manufacturing and "improvement work" to improve PQCDS.

However, in this era of rapid change, routing work to respond to changes has become overwhelming, and there is not enough time for improvement work.


Combining on-site knowledge and DATA analysis to create "Flexible manufacturing"

Combining on-site knowledge and DATA analysis to create "Flexible manufacturing"


What should we do to achieve a "Flexible manufacturing" that can keep up with changes even in an era of rapid change?
To answer this question, YOKOGAWA's proposal is to combine the knowledge of the manufacturing site with DATA's analysis.

Most of the manufacturing sites can finally get PQCDS as a result of 4Mss control based on the operator’s experience or intuition. However the desired ones should initially grasp the current 3Ms situation and decide PQCDS target, and after that find the optimum Method.

To achieve this, it is necessary to link the 4Ms and PQCDS DATA, conduct DATA analysis based on site knowledge, find out the relationship between the 4Ms condition that affects the PQCDS, and match it with knowledge which site engineers feel and have. This makes it possible to cover 3M’s changes by Method and meet the PQCDS target, which seemed to be not easy before.

By combining site knowledge and DATA analysis in improvement work, the company can reduce the burden of routing work with the knowledge gained from the work, and innovate into a "Flexible manufacturing" that can keep up with changes.
――― which YOKOGAWA believes is a New normal way of making products.


What is "Combine site knowledge and DATA analysis"?


Combine site knowledge and DATA analysis

The data currently stored at the manufacturing site can reveal various keys for improvement by reviewing from the different perspective. There are many different ways of looking at DATA. For example, looking at a scatter chart that is color-coded according to operating conditions, looking the changes in quality values over time, and creating histogram by extracting slope from trend data. Unfortunately, AIs or machine learning with just reading huge amount of data can’t give us the appropriate hints to use for improvement activity. This is mostly because they can't create DATA considering the site's knowledge and experience. To sum up, Yokogawa considers it important to analyze data with the site's knowledge and experience in order to get new know-how and achieve goals as soon as possible.


DPI Function Details ― DATA Analysis and Smarter Manufacturing Based on Site Knowledge ―

DPI will totally supports your manufacturing site to follow the intense changes flexibly from analyzing DATA to executing the obtained knowledge into your manufacturing. Therefore, YOKOGAWA has prepared a data analysis software "DPI Operation Evaluation Tool" to utilize the knowledge of the site and an execution system "DPI DPI Operation Evaluation System" to execute the obtained knowledge during manufacturing.

DPI Function Details

DPI Operation Evaluation Tool: DATA Analysis Software for Utilizing Site Knowledge

  • DATA that exist separately in multiple departments and are managed separately can be easily linked and unified between 4Ms DATA and Quality DATA
  • Link quality values and 4Ms DATA to Trend DATA, and analyze variations by associating each
  • You can easily and painlessly extract waveform features from Trend DATA, such as slopes, maximum values, and averages
  • Not only histograms, scatter charts and control charts can be displayed on all Parameter all at once, but also Operation condition friendly (stratified) display can be realized quickly and easily
  • Machine learning based on site knowledge covers relationships in more than 3 dimensions of Parameter that cannot be grasped by human beings
  • Create 4Ms management metrics for PQCDS and monitor them in real time using "Operation Evaluation System"

For details, refer to DPI Operation Evaluation Tool Product Page.

DPI Operation Evaluation Tool

DPI Operation Evaluation Tool: DATA Analysis Software for Utilizing Site Knowledg

  • DATA that exist separately in multiple departments and are managed separately can be easily linked and unified between 4Ms DATA and Quality DATA
  • Link quality values and 4Ms DATA to Trend DATA, and analyze variations by associating each
  • You can easily and painlessly extract waveform features from Trend DATA, such as slopes, maximum values, and averages
  • Not only histograms, scatter charts and control charts can be displayed on all Parameter all at once, but also Operation condition friendly (stratified) display can be realized quickly and easily
  • Machine learning based on site knowledge covers relationships in more than 3 dimensions of Parameter that cannot be grasped by human beings
  • Create 4Ms management metrics for PQCDS and monitor them in real time using "Operation Evaluation System"

For details, refer to DPI Operation Evaluation Tool Product Page.

DPI Operation Evaluation System: environment to execute the obtained knowledge during manufacturing

  • Getting worse of 4Ms management indicators = Measures to be taken when getting worse of PQCDS can be formulated as a flowchart based on site knowledge
  • Real-time monitoring of 4Ms management indicators created with the DPI Operation Evaluation Tool allows quick detection when getting worse of PQCDS
  • When the 4Ms management getting worse, anyone can take the same measures (Or automatically.) to recover PQCDS based on the flowchart

DPI Operation Evaluation System


Accompanying service for introduction of DPI

Accompanying service for introduction of DPI


Current state of solutions to quality issues

We can often see that solving a quality issue at one department causes other issues at the other departments, which is because the quality issues are getting complicated. In other words, the solution seems to be suboptimal.This is because the solution is suboptimal. In order to achieve a fundamental solution to the problem, it is necessary to lead a solution that is not suboptimal but overall optimal. In order to find the best solution for the whole, it is essential to communicate across the boundaries of departments and divisions.

If DATA is connected by DPI, people will also be connected

We can get totally optimized approach for quality issues with DPI, by combining data from each department, visualizing it, and all over the departments discussing about it. DATA of each department is connected by DPI, so people are also connected. YOKOGAWA will provide the service with DPI, in which we support the customer to develop data analysis skill, in order to achieve the goal to cultivate the habit of data utilization beyond the departments. Consultants from YOKOGAWA will work with you to achieve the ideal situation where the improvement cycle will run speedly within the customer.

Main escort services

Introductory Education Workshop ― Smooth On-site Introduction! First, let's get down to the basics of the DPI Operation Evaluation Tool! ―

Hypothesis Verification Workshop ― Let's DATA Analysis Using Site Knowledge! Learn the framework with WS! ―


Related Information

Process Data Analysis (Process DATA analysis software for manufacturing site)




Evolving "Manufacturing On-Site Capabilities" - Collaborationg Human and AI - In this video, YOKOGAWA presents its thoughts on the keys to the continued evolution of manufacturing sites, using a hypothesis validation workshop as an example.

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